“It’s all about Christ!”
that Jesus is the only way to come into a relationship with God, and our teaching is centered on His life, His death, His resurrection, His timeless teachings, and His ultimate calling to every man and woman to follow Him.
In light of the example set by the early disciples of Jesus, every member of our congregation is encouraged to be devoted to reading, studying, and applying the Bible in their every-day life situations. Although written thousands of years ago, we believe that the Scriptures are inspired by God and have tremendous relevance for our 21st-century lives.
In addition to believing that the Bible must be the standard for our lives, we emphasize the need for one-another relationships where deep friendships and a strong sense of family can be developed and maintained. Whether in one-on-one, small group, or congregational settings, we use these relationships to encourage each other in what we hold to be both the greatest commandment and our greatest desire—loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Is This the Church for Me?
Absolutely! No matter who you are, where you live, or where you are spiritually, we're convinced that once you spend time with us you'll start to feel at home.
When and Where Do You Meet for Church Service?
We meet every Sunday at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church on 916 Western Ave, Albany NY.
Service starts at 12 PM.
What Are Your Services Like?
People describe our church services as worshipful, energetic and loving. Service typically lasts one and a half to two hours and includes plenty of singing/worship, a reflective communion message, and a life-guiding sermon. First time guests often appreciate the friendliness of the congregation.
What Should I Wear?
When you come to our service you will find people wearing everything from jeans to suits. Please wear what you feel comfortable wearing when you worship God. We believe you'll feel completely welcome – whether you're casually dressed or in your "Sunday best."
What's Expected of First-Time Visitors?
Nothing! Rest assured we're not going to ask you to raise your hand, stand up, or come up front. You're sure to meet warm, friendly people at our services, but you won't be singled out.
Can I Take Communion?
Again, there is no expectation that you participate in communion as a guest. However, if you want to take communion at our services, you are more than welcome to do so.
What About My kids?
We want to make sure that both children and adults enjoy an encouraging and inspiring time each Sunday. During worship services, we offer a Kingdom Kids program for infants through 6th graders. This allows parents to attend the worship service, while children enjoy an age-appropriate time of learning and fun.
How Do I Become a Member?
We believe that the church is simply a body of believers who have become true disciples of Jesus. If you want to be a part of this body, the first step is to study the Bible to find out what Jesus expects of His followers. To set up a personal Bible study or to attend a group Bible study in your neighborhood, contact a member of our Welcome Committee.